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Special Events

Indy 500

In the mid 80's Crown had the privilege to work with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to replace their amplifiers with Crown products.

Read about that effort here.

Special Olympics

Crown provided PA systems and the staff to manage those systems for all competition venus at the 1991 Special Olympics.

Everything we have documenting this effort is here on our Special Olympics page.

Fun Stuff

American Electric Power Ultra High Voltage Test Center

In the late 70's some of the Crown Engineers had a chance to tour AEP's UHV Test Center two miles west of Lakeville Indiana...
Read more here.

What else should go here?

If you know of any other notable events that should be documented here please email Tom Szerencse and we will work on adding them (). Also, if you have any documentation about the Indy 500 effort or the Special Olympics that isn't posted here, please send us a copy! We are always looking for more.

Any statements, views, or events discussed or depicted in this web site
are not necessarily endorsed by Crown Audio Inc., a Harman Intl Company.

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